Friday, September 2, 2011

ADIEU!!! Goodbye to August (c) By Polly Guerin

I care not to let these last days of August go

Those sweet lingering memories I know

Let’s re-capture her brilliant sunshine

Spontaneity and child-like laughter so fine

Carefree days with longer mellifluous nights
Time to revere and enjoy the halcyon sights

Sitting on a blanket listening to a park concert
The birds sing along and fountain plays a song

Leisurely languid days enjoying playful pursuits
Returning to friends, family rediscovering our roots

Canoeing like pilgrim explorers on a mirror lake
Not a worry, not a care we’re having a break

Apple pie scents waft through the beach air
We’ve come from a swim without a care

Laughing like children we gave up our reserve
To the magic of summer’s frolic we did serve

Our energy bursting we’re once again young, we’re gay
We antiqued and read books by the light of the day

By night the stars came out like diamonds in the sky
So I ask you now. Why must summer end, why?

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