An eerie silence shrouded the city
So many perished, such a pity
So many perished, such a pity
Without a clue they went to work that day
Never to return, here’s what I can relay
Never to return, here’s what I can relay
The night watchman was asleep
The chef arrived at 3am without a peep
The chef arrived at 3am without a peep
The day awoke crystal clear a brilliant sun No one suspected what malice was done
Ambitious Steve pressed through the mob
James went early to be the first on the job
Ginnie bought breakfast on the street
Co-workers were greeted so complete
Co-workers were greeted so complete
A young lawyer thought that she was late
The fledgling intern got in at eight
A conference was in full swing down the hall
A worker put in a long distance call
The Boss was jovial as he came in
His secretary said ‘good morning’ with a grin
An urgent message was on a manager’s desk
The mail was sorted like all the rest
A delivery man arrived with Starbuck brew
Everyone in a good mood, they never knew
By nine the computers were on high drive
Contacting customers they were still alive
A young girl admired her engagement ring
She planned to be married in the spring
Birthday balloons were delivered for Mary
The start of any ordinary day ‘cept for Harry
He volunteered and would leave his job
And join the marines like his brother Bob
Natasha was pregnant, her very first
Suddenly she had an insatiable thirst
These were some of the humble events
That commenced that day…
Trapped there was no escape from the inferno
No, those were not birds flying in the air People leaped into space, sometimes a pair
Into oblivion their lives did float away
So much lost, let's fervently pray
Grey sooty ghosts marched in silence
They pushed on home was their reliance
Churches gave rest and opened their doors
Restaurants gave free meals by the score
Never will I forget those people sacrificed
Cut so short when they were so full of life
For their sake keep the memory of the past
And cherish each day as your last.