February, the shortest month of the pandemic year
Brought chilly weather, we held each other together
Snow blanketed the city like an elegant ermine cape
Bringing comfort and calm, but still, no escape
Wintry schemes softened the city cacophony chorus
And birdless trees, barren, frozen n time ignored us
The elusive vaccine left New York City in a fix
Finding, getting an appointment was like a trick
Sentimental Pop Up cards like Valentine bouquets
Brought lovely love tokens of friendship to our gaze
Black History month ushered in with Black pride
The Empire building lit up in flag colors to abide
Marion Anderson was given her retrospective due
At the MCNY museum, an exhibit, in full view
George Washington' s Birthday gave cause to salute
The first President, at historic Fraunces Tavern to boot
The sun burst forth, streaming spring into action
The days were lighter, getting longer in reaction
And fickle March anxious to take its marching orders
Put February out of place with more loving borders
We settled down wirh pandemic and no escape