Sunday, February 28, 2021

ADIEU TO FEBRUARY 2021: By Polly Guerin


February, the shortest month of the pandemic year
Brought chilly weather, we held each other together

Snow blanketed the city like an elegant ermine cape
Bringing comfort and calm, but still, no escape

Wintry schemes softened the city cacophony chorus
And birdless trees, barren, frozen n time ignored us

The elusive vaccine left  New York City in a fix
Finding, getting an appointment was like a trick

Sentimental Pop Up cards like Valentine bouquets
Brought lovely love tokens of friendship to our gaze

Black History month ushered in with Black pride
The Empire building lit up in flag colors to abide

Marion Anderson was given her retrospective due
At the MCNY museum,  an exhibit, in  full view

George Washington' s Birthday gave cause to salute
The first President, at historic Fraunces Tavern to boot

The sun burst forth, streaming spring into action
The days were lighter, getting longer in reaction

And fickle March anxious to take its marching orders
Put February out of place with more loving borders 

We settled down wirh pandemic and no escape

Saturday, February 20, 2021

FUTURISTIC: By Polly Guerin


There's a new excellence beckoning

Make progress and dare to experiment

Surprise yourself, shock your friends

Fish in other ponds for creative ideas

Don't stagnate in the same old location

Create new adventures, move independent

Into the future, open minded, blissfully free

Revitalize, reinvent yourself and persona

Create an unexpected dream fantasy

Mix up colors, dissolve stereotypes 

Make every day your best happy hour

Rejoice in the gift of each pandemic day

Don't delay, move into the future fueled

With unending creativity, send a message

To all you meet, introduce the new you

Vibrant, innovative rising into the future. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

WHAT LIES AHEAD: By Polly Guerin


Don't be intimidated by what lies ahead
Put a positive spin on your life instead

For what lies ahead is by far greater
Than the what  we have left behind

Stay in the moment, now is the time
To savor each minute etched in line

Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon
Your life is soaring, you'll really bloom

Embrace memories, write down stories
A storyteller you'll be of pandemic glories

It's up to you how your run the race of life
Sign up at once, to join the winner's prize

Emerge from the moody melt down of distress
Into the light of living and doing your best

Accept victory, heading for the finish line
The vaccine has arrived just in time

If you had to leave anything sadly behind
Discard disappointments of any kind

For what lies ahead is a  miniscule matter
Compared to what lies in your joyful heart.


Saturday, February 6, 2021

HEART'S DESIRE: By Polly Guerin


Let's go to the land of our heart's desire

Where the sweetness of life sets our hearts 
on fire
There find safe harbor for fondest dreams

Oh come away with me oh foolish child

To the winter of our life and be so mild

I'll Kiss your lips and hold your soft hand

For time is fleeting, do you not understand?

There's not so much time to linger on

Loves sweet song is in the abyss, beyond

Don't let love pass with a goodbye glance

Oh come away with me my foolish child

 With the fairy hand in hand we will glide

And mend all the broken hearts weeping

And dance the magic of love before sleeping.