Monday, March 30, 2020


The New York Botanical Garden

March 31, 2020

A bleak rainy day set off the self-confinement plan
The alert message read "Stay Home," if you can

An eerie hush fell over the great New York City
I had never seen it so deserted, an awesome pity

Rare and unsual emails popped up to declare
World treat of the virus, must take special care

Several major museums temporarily did suspend 
And a major fund raiser Gala saw its sad end

Saint PAT's parade and sports a "NO Show"
Loss of these pleasures were a mighty blow

A celebrity lunheon at a orestigious Club
Suddenly cancelled  but offered a sub

All social events were suddenly curtailed
Blank calendars on a new course derailed

A center closed to public until next month
Update will be provided before were sunk 

March 20 celebrated the first day of Spring
The glorious colors nature, my heart did sing

Safety from the virus kept us in check
To stay home in safety with no regret

Small price to pay to prevent the spread
The month of March I'll never forget

But the March winds are singing a farewell song
Spring is eager waiting at the gate to come along.