Saturday, June 3, 2017

PROSPERITY By Polly Guerin

I am not very rich, rich at all she said
Wonder what's going on in her head

Let's tally up the realistic basic score
Believe me there's much much more

Than dollars to value one's worth
Dig deep into the coffer and search

For therein find the prosperity in life
Unlimited access to everything is nice

Enriching one's mind with new ideas
An interesting, fulfilling life never fear

That abundance is waiting at the door
Your worth is counting up the score

Open up with hope, believe and trust
For prosperity is far beyond the lust

Your silver lining may soon turn to gold
Happiness is far richer I have been told

Give thanks for 24 hours alive with joy
In a never ending journey never recoil

Await unexpected gifts, and windfalls
Surprise invitations will soon enthrall

Wait and listen to the still small voice
It whispers a promise, that is very nice!