Tuesday, March 10, 2015

WONDER WORDS (c) By Polly Guerin

The power of words can be soft as a prayer
To show you are concerned, that you care

Wonder words sound like a baby’s smile
Innocent and protected for a little while

Words well chosen are like nuggets of gold
Enriching, restoring as the story is told

The right words can change a person’s life
Or cut them down to size with an edit knife

Tarnished words lack dignity and truth
Too often used by unspeakable youth

Good conversation is becoming so rare
With pointless obsession we cannot bare

The sight of someone on an electronic device
If they could just pay attention it would be nice

The manipulative power of words change
The monotony of the everyday to rearrange

Our life’s adventure of the spoken word
Encourage and support, let it be heard

Wonder words lead us out of a static world
Where fond memories are forever unfurled

Keep focused on precious human traits
Keep talking, talking before it is too late.