Friday, April 18, 2014

SENSE OF WONDER (c) By Polly Guerin

The wee humming bird came
Early morning was his game

Fairy wings twittering aloft
Flower to Flower he sought

And took breakfast en plein air
T’was his bounty, only fair

I watched with a sense of wonder
The mysterious creature’s plunder

Do not let the splendor slip away
Silently watch for his returning stay

Captivated by the Lilliputian’s skill
Astonished, I admired the thrill

Of nature’s intricate dance
Could be missed in a glance

So glued to the windowpane I spy
The minuscule bird bye ‘n bye

A showman so delicate so rare
I looked for him each morning fair

His determination was a constant show
I did not want to disturb, let him know

What joy he brought to begin each day
Tossing concerns away with a sense of play

I ventured out into the uncharted course
Spread my wings like the bird’s force

And what I care for what others say
Thus inspired I now rule the day

A happy diversion so granted
And the world is less frantic.