Monday, July 2, 2012

CHILDLIKE WONDER (c) By Polly Guerin

Looking at art with childlike wonder

I search for distant lands and ponder

Can I become an inventor of dreams?

The creator of unlimited schemes?

Who makes the world a better place?

Accepting the beauty in every race

The spacious generosity of art

Transforms the view from the start

Keep that childlike sense of awe

A sensitive heart before you draw

Choose divine ideas to unify

Hear the heartbreak, a child’s cry

Reach out with expansive arms

Embrace the downtrodden in alarm

Prepare for a new way of thinking

Even through your heart is blinking

Find infinite solace in the art of being

Faithful, sensitive and seeking

Widen your vision and release doubt

Awaken to a new vision, live out loud!!!

Image: Oil on Canvas based on the "Frog Boy" sculpture overseeing one of the ponds at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. His delight in the ponds and the frogs with which he cavorts is infectious.

Polly Guerin