Sunday, September 23, 2012

COURAGE (c) By Polly Guerin

Courage does not always loom large

It can be a small voice that barks

A simple comment at the end of the day

That dispenses courage without delay

To know you’ll try again tomorrow

Forget disappointment and sorrow

Unleash your creative spirit and soar

Unfettered by naysayers and bores

Take the journey back to yourself

Put the inner critic on the shelf

Determine to rise to higher acclaim

Let hope and possibility be your aim

Surprise yourself to do something new

Believe in success even when you’re blue

Honor and encourage your intuition

You’re heading on a different mission

Live life like you had another chance

Dance in the moonlight and find romance

Challenge optimism determined to rename

Write a brand new story and a new refrain

Embrace change and become a new you

With courage and conviction to renew!

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