Wednesday, June 23, 2021


The wee hummingbird came
Early morning waw his game

Fairy wings fluttering aloft
Flower to Flower he sought

I watched with a sense of wonder
The wonderous creature's plunder

Enraptured by the lilliputian's skill
Astonished I admired the thrill

Of nature's intricate dance
Could be missed in a glance

A showman so delicate, so rare
I looked for him eadh morning fair

What joy he brought each day
Toss concerns away in play

So I ventured into the world today
And spread my wings with play.


ADIEU TO JUNE 2021 By Polly Guerin

June splashed into summer
Rainstorms were a bummer

Thunderbolts shocked June
She entered with wet gloom

We zoomed here and there
Then sunlight came so rare

Father's day paid homage to men
And Pride Month was on the mend

Justice echoed through the nation
Juneteenth for emancipation

They marched nationwide to protest
New York put through the outcry test

The solstice summer did shout out loud
We wore summer shorts in the crowd

The dawning of a brand new day
Made us wish June's troubles away

For everything good comes in July
With a sunshine golden glow reply. 


Sunday, June 6, 2021

OPTIMISTIC: By Polly Guerin

Now that the pandemic is winding down
It's time to discard that downcast frown

A cheerful attitude goes a long way
To put a little magic into every day

Decide to give your attitude a boost
Release restraints and now cut loose

Dance to the positive rhythm of life
You've come a long way from strife

Life gives new opportunity for growth
Recall your fondest dreams and note

Like the changing seasons you recreate
Now is the time to begin, it's never too late

To evolve into a higher version of yourself
With an optimistic outlook recharge and grow.