So you’re not the artsy type
Beware my dear of all the hype
So what…
You can’t write a poem, paint or potter
You’re probably doing something even hotter
You’re probably doing something even hotter
Don’t give up cause you’re not a gourmet chef
And think there’s probably nothing left
And think there’s probably nothing left
It isn’t true…
You turn the ordinary into something special
You’ve got brains, imagination and metal
Creativity goes beyond the arts and crafts
You make the day fun and everyone laugh
You don’t have to be artistic to infuse
Your home and career with creative muse
Don’t lock your creativity deep inside
Release apprehension go for a wild ride
Re-invent yourself from the inside out
Let everyone know your creative, shout
“I am creative” and “I have divine ideas”
Let them spring forth freely through the years.
*Art by Gail/Shabby Cottage Studio
Love it! Thanks!