Follow your instincts give everyone pleasure
It’s time to fall in love with the simplicity of life again
Forget routine, the daily grind every itty bitty sin
Be enchanted as you never did before
Daydream and travel to distant shores
See the world let your imagination take flight
Gaze at the multitude of dazzling stars at night
Remember to make a wish upon a star
Answers granted are on their way, not too far
Count your blessing, taste life a little
Soften a disappointed heart that’s brittle
Suspend disbelief say, “Yes” help yourself
To abundant joys waiting on the shelf
Allow a deep sense of beauty to be your plan
Do it now!!! Just because you can
Seize the moment, let your hair down
Go barefoot on the grass wear a fairy crown
Forgive your shortcomings, clear your mind
Laugh until you cry happy, the joyful kind
Create time and space, go there and find joy
Become re-enchanted like a little girl or boy
Discover the secret dreams you let slip away
Thrill to the moment with delight, be gay
There’s no point in wearing a disappointed frown
Live life to the fullest and wear a magical gown
Dare yourself each day to be re-enchanted
Get carried away, a beautiful life is granted.
Inspired by the writing of Father Paul A. Keenan